Wednesday, 16 March 2011

From HR Toddler to Here and Now II

After Katherine Connolly kicked of our series of guest posts with her reflection on HR and how we should not be afraid taking things personally, Cyndy Trivella came in to say few words herself about her beginnings. Cyndy was a guest on my blog in the past writing about personal branding and her support for me as a HR blogger has always been of a great value to me. 

Cyndy is the Director of Business Development in Kansas City for NAS Recruitment Communications, a Director on the Board for SHRM of Greater Kansas City and a committee member on the National HR Standards Workforce Planning Taskforce for the Society of Human Resource Management. Cyndy began her career in Human Resource Communications on Madison Avenue in New York City over 12 years ago. Prior to that, she worked in corporate human resources as a recruiter and as a training and development coordinator. Cyndy can be followed on twitter as @CyndyTrivella

Let's see what can we learn from Cyndy:

When I started my HR career there were few well-designed technologies in place to make any project or process an easy, time-saving endeavor. For example, though I am not a fan of the applicant tracking system, they do serve a purpose in that they enable the companies to database applicants, run reports and allow multiple users to access information that may not have been accessible unless faxed or emailed. Today, there are more technology options and sources to select from and many of them customizable to fit each company’s specific needs, and some more affordable than their predecessors.

Also thinking back to my early days in HR, there were very few options for reaching job candidates. There were basically four options: newspaper ads, employee referrals, job boards and external recruiters. Today these options still exist, and there are more to choose from than most people even realize, and many of these options are actually more monetarily attractive than the few from yester-year.

What all this tells me is that HR is assuming its rightful place in organizational importance by stressing the need for better options to manage one of the toughest roles within an organizations and one of the most important functions… management of talent assets.
Cyndy Trivella 

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